Unicont SPb Ltd
Technical Documentation DAC-109
Ratio Choice
Selection of the relation between the ship’s turn and the analogue receiver synchro’s turn.
Available relations: 1:36, 1:60, 1:90, 1:180, 1:240, 1:360
Channel Select
Selection of the main channel for receiving data about a course in the digital sentences NMEA 0183.
If channel #1 is selected, channel #2 will be used as a reserve channel. If channel #2 is selected,
channel #1 will be used as a reserve channel.
Available options for selection the main channel: Channel 1, Channel 2.
Port 1 Settings
Settings of channel #1. In order to enter into the submenu of settings for channel #1 press the key
For each channel (#1 and #2) the following settings are available:
Name of port setting
Value of setting for selection
Baudrate (Baud rate)
4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400,
57600, 115200
Parity (Parity check)
No, Even, Odd
Stop bit (Number of stop bits)
1, 2
CRC Checking (Checksum verification)
On, Off
Upon setting the parameter CRC Checking to “On” the converter verifies the checksum of incoming
NMEA sentences. If the checksum of the sentence does not match the calculated checksum (i.e. the
sentence is received with errors), the converter ignores the incoming data.
Switching on this option for connecting sources of NMEA signal, version 1 is forbidden, since in the
sentences of this version of NMEA, transferring the checksum is not specified.
After changing this parameter, in order to store the selected value it is necessary to press the key
[Enter]. In order to exit from the submenu for setting the channel press the key [F3].
Port 2 Settings
Settings of channel #2. See «Port 1 Settings».
Backup Channel
Turning on / turning off of switching over function to reserve channel data
If reserve source of NMEA signal is not connected, it is necessary to set this parameter in the position
If reserve source of NMEA signal is connected and parameter of “Backup Channel” in the position
“Off” then the switching over to the reserve channel and back is possible by manual mode only (see
Figure 3 “CH_Switch” terminal block).