Service Manual UTS1000/3000 Series
Safety Information
This section contains information and warnings that must be observed to keep the instrument operating
under appropriate safety conditions. In addition to the safety precautions indicated in this section, you must
follow generally accepted safety procedures.
Safety Precautions
To avoid possible electric shock and personal safety, follow these guidelines:
During all phases of operation, service, and repair of this instrument, the following general
safety precautions must be followed. Unilever will not bear any responsibility for the personal
safety and property loss caused by the user's failure to follow the following safety
precautions. This equipment is designed for professional users and responsible institutions
for measurement
Do not use this equipment in any manner not specified by the manufacturer. Unless
otherwise specified in the product documentation, this equipment is for indoor use only.
Safety statement
A WARNING statement indicates a hazard. It alerts the user to a certain procedure,
method of operation, or similar situation. Personal injury or death could result if the rules
are not performed correctly or followed. Do not proceed to the next step until the
conditions of the indicated WARNING notice are fully understood and met.
The "Caution" symbol indicates a hazard. It alerts the user to a certain procedure, method
of operation, or similar situation. Failure to perform or follow the rules correctly may result
in damage to the product or loss of important data. Do not proceed to the next step until
the indicated CAUTION conditions are fully understood and met.
A CAUTION statement indicates important information. Prompting the user's attention to
a procedure, practice, condition, etc., should be prominently displayed.
Safety Signs
Indicates a warning of a possible electric shock hazard that could result in
personal injury or death.
Indicates a point requiring caution, which may result in personal injury or
damage to the instrument.
Indicates a potentially hazardous condition that requires following a
procedure or condition that may damage the instrument or other
equipment; if a "Caution" sign is indicated, all conditions must be met
before continuing to operate.
Indicates a potential problem, a procedure, or a condition that needs to be
followed, which may cause the instrument to function improperly; if the
"Caution" mark is marked, all conditions must be met to ensure that the
instrument can function normally.
Instrument AC, please confirm the regional voltage range.