Total current harmonics for full wave distortion rate
It will measure and display effective value of total harmonics of single-phase current to full wave
distortion rate, harmonic order and corresponding orders of harmonic current under the mode.
Measurement steps: As shown in Figure 24, please press HARM key to enter into measurement
mode of total current harmonics for full wave distortion rate firstly after bootstrap. Please loosen
binding clip and clamp them into current loop cables of measured phase, and loosen and
guarantee excellent closing of binding clip.
Figure 24
As shown in Figure 25, user can press SELECT key to select No. of any measurement port to
display current harmonic order (with auxiliary display in left lower corner), total current
harmonics to full wave distortion rate (with auxiliary display in lower right corner) and effective
value for harmonic current (with main display in the middle) on LCD respectively.
Figure 25
User can press
key to increase harmonic order or press
key to reduce harmonic order. It
also will display effective value of various current harmonic components.