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130Plus HR Color

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Thank you for buying smart wristband 


The wristband 

has modern design and it is easy to use. Not only it motivates 
you for more activity, but you can also see quality of your sleep 
and history of all activites in the application. The wristband has 
large display with a touch screen for convenient use and you 
can charge it directly from USB port in your computer. There 
are many other functions, such as notifications on incoming 
calls, text messages, and notifications from social media sites 
such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and others.

Heart rate measuring 24 hours a day

The wristband measures your heart rate for 24 hours a day in 
short intervals. Specially designed photoelectric sensor 
combined with an advanced and innovative algorithm provides 
accurate data for the whole day during any activity.

Measuring your activity all day and night

Wherever you are the embedded sensor measures your steps, 
distance, activity and burned calories. If your turn on the 
function for long sitting notification, you will be notified after a 
long period of iinactivity.

Sport activity

The wristband has a function to measure one-time sport 
activity. You can choose from different sports, such as exercise, 
running, badminton, basketbal and others. After the activity 
ends you can see details in the application on your smartphone. 

Automatic measuring of sleep quality and alarm clock

The wristband automatically recognizes quality of your sleep 
and also tracks awake time during the night. After 
synchronizing with the smartphone application you can see 
details and chart of your sleep quality. You can also set up a 
silent alarm to wake up in the morning.

Incoming phone call notifications

The wristband vibrates and shows the name or a phone number 
of an incoming call if your phone is connected and within 10 
metres. You will not miss any important call.

Remote shooting

You can activate smartphone shutter by touching the button on 
your wristband or by turning your wrist.

Smart application in several languages

The application used to synchronize data between your 
wristband and smartphone is very easy to use. You can see your 
activity during the day and previous weeks and months. You 
can set up goals for steps per day, sleep time, inactivity time. 
You also have an option to set up several alarms. In case there 
are any updates, the wristband can be automatically updated 
via the application. The application is also compatible with 
Google-Fit and HealthKit to share details of your activity. 

Sharing screenshots on social media

Any screen from the application can be easy shared on social 
media by one click. You can also easily share it by email.

Connecting to a phone

Use an application VeryFitPro on iOS and Android to connect 
your wristband to your phone. 
Note – following hardware and software requirements must be 

iOS 7.1 and above Android 4.4 and above



Bluetooth 4.0

Connecting the device

We suggest charging the device before its first use. Carefully 
take the main unit out of the strap and connect it to a USB 
charger or laptop (5V/0,5A). Time to fully charge the battery is 
about 60 minutes.

Download VeryFitPro

Search for and download „VeryFitPro“ from the Apple Store and 
Google Play.

Содержание U-BAND 130Plus HR Color

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Страница 14: ...Plus HR Color 14 Technick podpora Infolinka 800 118 629 Email support umax cz Servisn st edisko ConQuest entertainment a s Hloub t nsk 11 198 00 Praha 9 420 284 000 111 Provozn doba po t 9 00 17 00 p...

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Страница 20: ...kowy prze czysz mi dzy wy wietlaniem godziny ilo ci krok w kalorii odleg o ci pulsu budzika a trybem sport w Obserwacja pulsu Nabycie danych Obecny puls zmiana co 0 5 sec Funkcj budzika w czysz w apli...

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Страница 26: ...r 26 Wsparcie techniczne Infolinia 800 118 629 Email support umax cz Siedziba serwisu ConQuest entertainment a s Hloub t nsk 11 198 00 Praha 9 Republika Czeska 420 284 000 111 Godziny otwarcia po t 9...

Страница 27: ...i felt teleknek iOS 7 1 vagy jabb Android 4 4 vagy jabb Android iOS Bluetooth 4 0 A k sz l k aktiv l sa H zza meg finoman a sz jat s vegye ki bel le a k zponti egys get Csatlakoztassa a k zponti egys...

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Страница 35: ...tooth kapcsol d si t vols gon bel l van 10m 3 Gy z dj n meg r la hogy a k sz l k nincs lemer lve A Bluetooth kapcsolat n ha megszakad A telefon jraind t sa ut n a Bluetooth funkci ban m k d si zavar l...

Страница 36: ...U BAND 130Plus HR Color 36 Technikai t mogat s Email support umax cz Szerviz k zpont ConQuest entertainment a s Hloub t nsk 11 198 00 Praha 9 Cseh K zt rsas g 420 284 000 111...

Страница 37: ...t rate measuring 24 hours a day The wristband measures your heart rate for 24 hours a day in short intervals Specially designed photoelectric sensor combined with an advanced and innovative algorithm...

Страница 38: ...can activate smartphone shutter by touching the button on your wristband or by turning your wrist Smart application in several languages The application used to synchronize data between your wristban...

Страница 39: be met iOS 7 1 and above Android 4 4 and above Android iOS Bluetooth 4 0 Connecting the device We suggest charging the device before its first use Carefully take the main unit out of the strap and...

Страница 40: ...130Plus HR Color 40 One click switches between modes Long press to confirm selection Touch button Touching the touch button area switches between modes The screen automatically turns off after a shor...

Страница 41: rate For an accurate heart rate reading wear the writsband on the top of your wrist During an exercise make the strap a bit tighter Automatic all day monitoring is turned on by default You can tur...

Страница 42: ...e touch button switches between time steps calories distance heart rate alarm and sport mode Heart rate Getting data Heart rate updates every 0 5s Alarm clock can be turned on inside the application H...

Страница 43: ...ime Pace Average pace Sport mode Hold the touch button for 2s to turn on sport mode Pressing the button switches between types of sport Countdown 3 2 1 GO and sport measuring starts Pressing the touch...

Страница 44: ...n for 2s to turn off sports mode Sport overview is shown after activity ends No activity Full memory Low battery Sport mode automatically turns off for several reasons Sport activity shorter than 1 mi...

Страница 45: ...vates your smartphone camera shutter This function can be set up in the application You can be notified of an incoming call Pressing the touch button hides the notification Long press of touch button...

Страница 46: ...Notifications for text messages and various applications can be set up in the application Pressing the touch button shows following notifications You can be notified after a long time of sitting After...

Страница 47: ...pairing After pairing you can use the device within 10 metres 3 Make sure that the wristband has enough battery Pairing fails 1 Restart your smartphone or restart Bluetooth service How to restore fact...

Страница 48: ...R Color 48 Technical support Phone 800 118 629 Email support umax cz Service center ConQuest entertainment a s Hloub t nsk 11 198 00 Praha 9 Czech Republic 420 284 000 111 Opening hours MO TH 9 00 17...

Страница 49: ...Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc registered in the U S and other countries App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc registered in the U S and other countries Google Play and the Go...

Страница 50: ...2018UmaxCzecha s...
