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1.  Keeping lid screws lightly oiled will protect them allow them to operate easily.
2.  Make sure no dry ice is on the rubber lid seal. This will allow gas escape through the lid gasket.
3.  Do not pour cold water directly onto hot heater element as this will cause premature failure.
4.  To replace the element or repairing a broken seal:

a.  Remove element/ replace or clean.
b.  Replace the rubber gaskets and sealing washers. Do not reuse the old ones.
c.  Tighten bolts evenly to compress the seal.

Solid Carbon Dioxide

The CO2 should be collected as near as possible to the time it is to be used. It will sublimate with time but storage in 
an insulated container will help. Your distributor may have storage containers available. A wooden box lined with foam 
insulated is acceptable. Blocks, slabs and pellets may be available depending on your supplier. The pellets are easier to 
use as they don’t require breaking up. If a solid block is used, it must be broken up into small pieces preferably about 
1” across. Slabs can be laid on a flat surface and broken like toffee! Cover the ice with a towel to reduce the danger of 
flying pieces while breaking.

Guidance for Users


 Carbon dioxide gas is released by immersing solid CO2 into boiling water. In its natural state this gas is 

colorless but suspends water vapor when emitted from the machine giving the ‘fog’ effect. Although carbon dioxide 
is an inert gas, it does not sustain life (Because the gas is heavier than air and sinks there is no problem, although care 
must be taken to ensure nothing is below the ‘fog’ level, i.e. small pets, people lying down etc). CO2 will dissipate very 
quickly. Remember the output of the machine creates humidity so do not use it in the vicinity of electrical equipment, 
power sockets, or any item that may be damaged by moisture. In any event do not use the machine in rooms smaller 
than 10 feet by 10 feet.


 Many of the problems arise from putting too much water in the machine. There should be no water from 

the nozzle except from some condensation. If the water level is too high boiling water can be sprayed out when the dry 
ice is submerged, damaging floors or burning people.
