Step 9
The yellow button allows you to test the strobe to assure it is functioning properly. When the Ready-
Light is on simply press this button once. The Strobe will fire indicating it is fully functional.
Ready & Low Battery Power Indication
The Green Ready
The Green Ready
The Green Ready
The Green Ready----Light
Light actually has two functions. When the Strobe’s capacitor is fully charged the green
light comes on indicating the strobe is ready to fire. Its second function is to indicate low battery – if
there is insufficient battery power the light will blink continuously
Step 10
Arm mount to camera tray.
Arm mount to camera tray.
Arm mount to camera tray.
Arm mount to camera tray. To mount the arm on the camera tray back off the knurled screw to allow the
strobe arm to slide onto the camera tray. Once installed tighten the screw to a snug fit