Teaching Mode of Hand-Drip-Brewing Coffee
Coffee Dripper and Paper Filter for the Upper Scale. Coffee-Drip Pot for the
Lower Scale. Auto-Tare after placing both of items.
If any disabled Zeroing under some factors, please click "
" Button once
again for Zeroing.
Add your required roasted coffee beans to Coffee Dripper with Paper Filter,
once the weight of Upper Scale is detected, then go next step, but the
weight display for Upper Scale shows the current figure.
Step 02
Weighing roasted coffee beans in
Coffee Dripper
Upper Scale Weight
Lower Scale Weight
Step 01
Upper Scale Coffee Dripper & Paper Filter
Lower Scale Coffee-Drip Pot
Upper Scale Weight
Lower Scale Weight
Empty the used water from the Coffee-Drip Pot, then enter next step.
Step 05
Wastewater Empty
Upper Scale Weight
Lower Scale Weight
Pour roasted coffee beans into Grinder , put the Coffee Dripper with Paper
Filter back to the Upper Scale, then enter next step.
Step 03
Grinding roasted coffee beans
Upper Scale Weight
Lower Scale Weight
Pour hot water into Paper Filter, after water dripping, then enter next step.
Step 04
Cleaning Paper Filter with hot water
Upper Scale Weight
Lower Scale Weight
- Indicating for both weighing of the upper and the lower scale. No switching from Step1 to Step8.
- From Step 9 to Step11, pressing Power Button can be switched into 4 different modes like "Upper Scale", "Lower Scale",
"Upper & Lower Scale", "Upper Scale + Lower Scale".
- From Step1 to Sep7,
Start button can be switched into the modes for Professional Hand-Drip-Brewing Coffee or
Teaching of Hand-Drip-Brewing Coffee.