User Manual: Switch-Control 63400
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Lamp number 2 will be switched OFF when the feedback module with address 1055 reports “free”:
LNCV 22 = 10552
Lamp number 9 will be switched OFF when key 7 is activated:
LNCV 29 = 1774
5.6 Input Key Functions – LNCV 100-199
The LNCVs 100-199 are used to program the commands that are transmitted by the Switch-Control when
single keys or start & end key combinations are activated. Each LNCV may be individually programmed to
generate one of five different commands.
The programming of these LNCVs follows the format below:
Command 0-4
Address value 1-2048
End key 1-10
Start key 1-10
Must be set to 1
For input key 10, you must enter a “0.” Leading nulls of the address entry will not be shown.
Description of the Commands:
C=0: The accessory with address AAAA will be brought to position “red”
C=1: The accessory with address AAAA will be brought to position “green”
C=2: The feedback command “free” will be sent with the address AAAA
C=3: The feedback command “occupied” will be sent with the address AAAA
C=4: The accessory with address AAAA will be toggled to the other position
As shown above, the desired key combination to be programmed is entered in the code number for the
LNCV (1SZ). Here, the ten’s digit of the LNCV code represents the Start key (from 1 for key 1 up to 0 for
key 10) and the one’s digit represents the End key. When these two digits of the code are set the same, the
LNCV will be used to program a command for a single key, instead of a key combination.
The address of the magnetic accessory or feedback contact and the corresponding command to be sent are
entered in the value of the LNCV (AAAAC). This is the address and command type that will be transmitted
by the Switch-Control when the desired single key or key combination is pressed.
LNCV 100 receives the command for the single key 10.
LNCV 144 receives the command for the single key 4.
LNCV 137 receives the command for the key combination Start key 3 and End key 7.