Fastening the Decoder
The decoders size is such as to directly replace the original reverser and a hole is provided for
the original fastening screw. Use the included adhesive tape in case this is not possible.
Putting into Operation
Check all connections with an ohmmmeter or a wiring tester.
Take extra care that no short between decoder and locos shell and chassis may occur! Make
sure that no cabling is caught when fitting the locos superstructure.
Programming of Uhlenbrock Decoders by Intellibox
The most comfortable way to program a decoder is offerd by the Intellibox. A menu-driven
programming mode in plain english is provided. Programming is carried out by selecting the menu
for load-compensated decoders (755/756, 75200, 75520 or 75530).
You find exact instructions in the Intellibox handbook.
Programming of Uhenbrock Decoders by LOKTOOL
This computer routine is used to program Uhlenbrock decoders by applying a Märklin central unit
in connection with a Märklin interface. See reverse for a brief description.
A short circuit from motor brushes or ancillary outputs
to pickup shoes, frame, or wheels may destroy the device!
Fitting the 75 200 Decoder
Motor Connections
Unsolder the field-coils connection to one of the motor brushes. Its
two wires running into the field-coils proper must remain soldered
together. Insulate this end, preferably by shrinking tube, as it will no
longer be used. Disconnect all other wires leading from brush
assembly to chassis or pickup-shoe, and to the field-coils tabs.
The decoder leads have to be connected as follows: The two
white wires have to be soldered to the field-coils tabs, the green
and blue wire to the respective plugs of the brush sockets, the
brown wire is attached to the chassis, and the red wire to the
pickup-shoe. RF interference suppressors and capacitors should
be retained.
Unsolder connections - solder
wires together - insulate end
Brush Noise Countermeasures
Should your loco run at wrong speed or even change direction abruptly,
the data transmission to the decoder is corrupted by brush noise. The
motor must be retrofitted with appropriate suppression elements, such
as Uhlenbrocks #71500 suppressor set.
A capacitor of 100 nF must be soldered directly across the motor
terminals and two 10 µH chokes must be inserted into the motor leads.
Auxiliary Outputs
Outputs A1 and A2 may switch a smoke generator or interior lighting.
Their wires have to be soldered to the decoders pcb as shown in
the adjacent sketch. Common return in Märklin locos normally
connects to chassis.
Default setting is key f1 controlling A1 and f2 controlling A2.
Changes are exerted by programming function 05s code value.
mounting hole
Lamp Connections
Solder the gray wire to the front light and the yellow one to the rear light.
Should you want direction-independent lighting, the two wires have to
be joined. In case the lamps are lit oppositely to direction, interchange the
green and blue wires.
The lamps other lead has to be kept connected to the locos chassis.
white - field coil
white - field coil
green - brush assembly
- brush assembly
brown - chassis
- pickup shoe
gray - front light
yellow - rear light
black - + 20 V