The minibike is delivered in a cardboard carton and packed with folded handlebars
and brake levers. After unpacking, set up the handlebars into the position, that suits the
best for driving. The maximum pulled brake lever position should not touch on the
handlebar grip. After setting up, tighten the handlebar nuts 1, brake lever bolts 2, and
the throttle assy. Bolts. See, Fig. 1. The level of foot rest's can be regulated by
loosening the bolt M5 (914.003.01) on the handle of the foot rest (139.001.01). The
foot rest can be moved to the front or back position. It is recommended to try and check
the position of handlebars and foot rest's individually. While tightening the bolts and
nuts, do not use an excessive force as to not damage the threads, or distort the tubes and
other parts. Verify the smooth and perfect function of the Bowden cables to throttle and
both brakes. Fill the fuel tank with fuel. (Gas-oil mix) Failure to use the proper oil mix
ratio will result in Engine damage for which you will be responsible.
Operating controls:
1. Handlebar nut
2. Brake lever bolts
3. Throttle Assy. bolts
4. Stop switch
5. Front brake lever
6. Rear brake lever
Range of adjusting handlebars
function position
The minibike is unsuitable for public road use. It does not comply with valid Safety
Standards. Unsafe and careless use of a minibike can result in serious injuries. The
driver can minimize the potential risks by wearing the Safety Equipment The driver
must wear safety helmet, goggles, gloves, elbow pads, kneepads, and firm footwear.
The minibike cannot be
on wet, icy or oily surfaces. Avoid uneven surfaces and
obstacles. Drive with two hands on the handlebars.
It is strongly recommended to follow all the instructions about the break-in period to
promote engine reliability and long life. Break-in period of the minibike is complete
after the consumption of five full fuel tanks. It Is important to use petrol 91 or 92 Octane
fuel with synthetic oil in the ratio 25:1 and after break-in period a ratio of 50:1. Mix the
gas and oil completely before putting it into the fuel tank. During the break-in period
do not run the engine at maximum RPM and do not allow the engine to overheat
Check the tire inflation - 200 kPa (2 bars) or (28 to 30psi) to be commensurate with the
driver's weight The Tyre pressure should never exceed 2,5 bars, (38psi) in either the
front or rear wheel.
Fig. 1