B. Returned to the factory within ONE YEAR of date of original shipment.
C. Returned through the distributor where the goods were originally purchased. This material will also be
subject to an evaluation charge of $90.00.
The customer will be advised of the restocking adjustment for all restockable goods. Upon acceptance of
the restocking adjustment, by the customer, the $90.00 evaluation fee will be waived and a credit issued by
UFM. The customer will be advised of any non-restockable goods and will be charged the $90.00
evaluation fee plus any shipping charges if returned to the customer.
If no disposition is received by UFM within 30 days, the goods will be scrapped and the $90.00 evaluation
fee will be billed.
Warranty returns must be shipped prepaid to UFM. UFM will review the goods and advise the customer of
the evaluation and validity of the warranty claim. Valid warranty claims will be repaired or replaced at no
charge. No evaluation fee will be charged for repairs made under warranty. Return shipping costs will be
prepaid by UFM. Should UFM determine the returned material is not defective under the provisions of UFM's
standard warranty; the customer will be advised of needed repairs and associated costs. All materials
returned for warranty repair that are determined to not have a valid warranty claim will be subject to the
"Repairable Material" policy outlined above.