Low frequency switch
Use this three-position rotary switch to select the
low-frequency rolloff applied to the Fetrode™
buffer assembly outputs.
Choices are
0.02 Hz
0.15 Hz
1.50 Hz
CMR adjust
Adjust this multi-turn potentiometer to minimize
common-mode interference (usually 50/60 Hz
power line noise)
Output connector (back panel)
Connect your recorder or other downstream
device to this BNC receptacle.
Electrode considerations
Use only good quality Ag/AgCl electrodes, such as
UFI Model 1081SNP, that include snap fasteners
to which the Fetrode™ buffer assemblies can be
Do not use inferior electrodes, for example those
with stainless steel inserts.
Subject’s clothing, especially polyester materials,
will probably generate electrostatic noise if subject
moves. Fetrodes™ may pick up such noise.
Prevent electrostatic noise by asking your subject
to remove clothing or to wear tight-fitting clothing
that cannot move enough to generate noise.
You must use ground (reference) electrode.
Locate it roughly equidistant from active electrode
sites (those equipped with Fetrode™ assemblies).
Do not abrade active electrode sites. You may
need to abrade the ground electrode site if you are
recording low- frequency, low-level signals when a
large 50/60 Hz powerline noise source is present.
Using the Model 2283FT(i)
Select appropriate electrode sites for desired
Apply electrodes to subject, then snap two
Fetrode™ buffer assemblies to electrodes.
Snap ground reference lead to electrode and plug
other end into green jack on back panel.
Connect Model 2283FT(i) output jack to your
recorder or other downstream device.
Turn power switch to ON position.
Rotate amplification switch until signal to recorder
is maximum size without clipping.
Rotate low-frequency switch to roll off (suppress)
undesired low frequencies.
If signal is upside down, just unsnap leads to
Fetrodes™ and reverse connections.
Adjust CMR control for minimum 50/60Hz