NEO-F10N - Integration manual
Action needed / Remarks
Navigation update rate
Navigation update rate up to 25 Hz for single GNSS and 10 Hz
for multi-GNSS constellations.
Code change (optional)
Power save mode (PSM)
PSM is not supported.
Hardware backup and software standby modes are supported.
Code change (optional)
Altitude limit
The maximum altitude limit increased to 80 000 m.
Simultaneous operation of AssistNow Online, Offline and
Autonomous. New AssistNow Offline data download options are
available. The time period can be limited to a resolution of days
to reduce the data package size.
Code change (optional)
Not supported in current firmware.
Code change
Data logging
Not supported in current firmware.
Code change
Galileo return link message Galileo search and rescue (SAR) return link message UBX-RXM-
Code change (optional)
RF spectrum view
New message. UBX-MON-SPAN shows in-band RF spectrum
around the GNSS band. This can be used to identify potential
in-band RF interference sources in the design.
Code change (optional)
Protection level
New feature. Real-time position accuracy estimate with 95%
confidence level with the message UBX-NAV-PL.
Code change (optional)
Message integrity
New feature. Authentication of data output based on private/
public key pair.
Code change (optional)
Unique chip identifier
A unique chip identifier output in boot screen and in the UBX-
SEC-UNIQID message.
Code change (optional))
Configuration lock
New security feature that is enabled with CFG-SEC-CFG_LOCK
message for locking the receiver configuration.
Code change (optional)
Table 14: NEO-F10N software features
For more information on supported features and messages in u-blox NEO-F10N receiver, refer to the
firmware Release notes [
] and the Interface description [
] .
B Reference designs
section provides the specification and recommendations for the external
components that are shown in each reference design.
B.1 Typical design
Here are some key features for a NEO-F10N typical design:
• The internal RF front design in the NEO-F10N makes the module suitable for passive antenna
designs where external gain is not required. It is importnat to use a good quality passive antenna
to avoid performance degradation.
shows a design using a dual band passive antenna
with single feed.
• NEO-F10N has an internal SAW filter diplexer, two SAW filters and an LTE band 13 notch filter
which provides high out-of-band immunity against RF interference from other sources.
• Applications that require maximum sensitivity can integrate an external LNA with very low noise
figure (NF). The maximum external gain must not exceed 25 dB. The external LNA can be supplied
with the VCC_RF output from NEO-F10N and controlled by the LNA_EN signal, switching off the
LNA when entering hardware backup mode, and software standby mode.
UBXDOC-963802114-12193 - R02
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