MIA-M10Q - Integration manual
Figure 25: An external RTC crystal
3.2.2 RTC using an external clock
MIA-M10Q supports an external 32.768 kHz clock signal at RTC_I.
circuit for an external RTC signal. The external clock signal must always be available in case of a
power failure and to allow the receiver to perform a periodical offset calibration for the RTC clock.
The frequency versus temperature behavior of the external clock must be within the recommended
RTC crystal specification.
The resistive voltage divider and the input capacitance of the RTC_I pin form an RC low-pass filter.
The cut-off frequency of the RC filter is given by f
= 1/(2πRC), and must be above the clock frequency
with some margin. This limits the maximum value for the voltage divider resistors. For an input
capacitance of the order of 10 pF, the maximum resistance of the voltage divider resistors is in the
order of a couple of hundred kΩ. Refer to MIA-M10Q data sheet [
] for the RTC_I input capacitance
and voltage range.
The RTC signal must be connected without a DC block.
Figure 26: An external RTC signal
3.2.3 RTC not used
An RTC may be omitted for the lowest-cost designs. If an RTC is not used, the RTC_I pin is left
unconnected and the RTC_O pin is connected to GND as shown in
UBX-21028173 - R01
3 Hardware integration
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