EVK-ELLA-W1 - User Guide
UBX-15012877 - R04
Early Production Information
Page 18 of 24
To load the Bluetooth driver:
This will register a new Bluetooth device (hci0 in this case). The firmware download will be skipped if the Wi-Fi
driver has already been loaded.
Unloading the drivers
To unload the drivers, bring all the interfaces down first and then remove the modules using:
Usage examples
Wi-Fi access point mode
The following example configures and starts an access point using the provided Marvell tools. A more detailed
description of the uaputl.exe tool and its parameters can be found in the
file from the driver
Listing 7: Create a Wi-Fi access point
To assign an IP address to the access point interface:
Additionally, it is recommended to use a DHCP server on the interface.
ifconfig uap0
uaputl.exe sys_cfg_ssid ELLA-W1 # set AP SSID to "ELLA-W1"
# set AP primary channel to 36 (5GHz band), with secondary channel above:
uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel 36 2
# enable 802.11n mode with short guard interval, 40MHz channel bandwidth:
uaputl.exe sys_cfg_11n 1 0x116e 3 0 0xff
uaputl.exe sys_cfg_rates 0xc 0x12 0x18 0x24 0x30 0x48 0x60 0x6c
uaputl.exe sys_cfg_80211d state 1 country US # enable 802.11d, set country
# configure encryption:
uaputl.exe sys_cfg_auth 0
uaputl.exe sys_cfg_protocol 32 # WPA2
uaputl.exe sys_cfg_wpa_passphrase topsecret # passphrase "topsecret"
uaputl.exe sys_cfg_cipher 8 8 # CCMP
uaputl.exe bss_start # start the AP
rmmod mlan sd8xxx bt8xxx
$ hciconfig
hci0: Type: BR/EDR Bus: SDIO
BD Address: 00:06:C6:46:DF:7B ACL MTU: 1021:6 SCO MTU: 120:6
RX bytes:656 acl:0 sco:0 events:28 errors:0
TX bytes:986 acl:0 sco:0 commands:28 errors:0
modprobe bt8787