AMY-6M - Data Sheet
UBX-13004381 - R07
Production Information
Functional description
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Functional description
The AMY-6M is the world’s smallest standalone GPS module dedicated to consumer applications. It has been
specifically developed to provide basic GPS functionality required by high-volume, portable products. It is a fully
integrated autonomous GPS solution requiring no host integration resulting in fast time-to-market.
The AMY-6M offers four different serial interfaces. The module features an integrated GPS crystal, providing fast
acquisition and tracking performance at an economical price. Furthermore, 2-layer PCB integration is supported,
which brings additional cost savings.
AMY-6M’s miniature size means that it can be integrated into the smallest portable devices. Advanced jamming
suppression mechanisms and innovative RF architecture ensures GPS even in hostile signal environments. The
AMY-6M is pin compatible with the AMY-5M.
Product features
Table 1: Features of the AMY-6M