UCK-G2 Qu ck Start Gu de
Descr pt on
The Map sect on allows you to create maps (e ther upload custom mages of your
locat on(s) or use Google Maps™) for a v sual representat on of your Network
network and also v ew your system topology.
The Dev ces screen d splays a l st of Un F dev ces managed by your Network
The Cl ents screen d splays a l st of cl ents connected to Un F dev ces managed
by your Network controller.
The Ins ghts screen l sts deta led nformat on about local and surround ng
w reless networks, cl ent and dev ce stat st cs, secur ty and connect on deta l, and
other controller access nformat on.
The Release Notes w ndow prov des nformat on and deta ls on the ncorporated
changes and/or updates to the latest Un F Network controller software.
The Events screen prov des a l st of all events and act v ty tak ng place on your
network, nclud ng errors and warn ngs.
The Alerts w ndow prov des a l st of alerts and events occurr ng on your network.
The Sett ngs screen prov des deta led nformat on about your Un F Network
controller and allows you to add/change/update the s te conf gurat on.
The L ve Chat Support screen prov des access to a Un F profess onal support
representat ve ava lable v a l ve chat 24/7.
Spec f cat ons
UCK-G2 Qu ck Start Gu de