UF-Nano Qu ck Start Gu de
Connect ng F ber
Never look d rectly nto the ends of f ber or modules. The em tted
l ght could cause damage to the eye.
Unt l ready for use, keep modules and f ber patch cables covered
us ng the ncluded protect ve caps to ensure the connect ons stay clean.
DO NOT connect the dev ce d rectly to a UF ber GPON module (UF-
GP-B+ or UF-GP-C+). Do ng so w ll damage the dev ce opt cs. Ensure that the
dev ce’s rece ved s gnal level never exceeds -8 dBm. Use a UF ber PLC Spl tter to
add attenuat on as needed.
UF-Nano Qu ck Start Gu de
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