U-LTE Qu ck Start Gu de
https://dl.u .com/qsg/U-LTE/U-LTE_EN.html
LCD Screen
the LAN and DHCP server. 803.2at PoE+ can be prov ded by an 802.3at PoE+ sw tch,
such as a Un F PoE Sw tch.
D splays status nformat on, nclud ng the LTE s gnal strength.
Installat on Requ rements
Ph ll ps screwdr ver
Wall-mount ng (opt onal): dr ll w th 6 mm dr ll b t
For WAN fa lover:
Un F Dream Mach ne, model UDM
Un F Secur ty Gateway, model USG, USG-PRO-4, or USG-XG-8
Un F cloud account
The U-LTE can only be adopted v a remote access at:
Act vat on of Ub qu t LTE data plan
For ndoor appl cat ons, use Category 5 (or above) UTP cabl ng approved for ndoor
For outdoor appl cat ons, sh elded Category 5 (or above) cabl ng should be used for
all w red Ethernet connect ons and should be grounded through the AC ground of
the power supply.
We recommend that you protect your networks from harmful outdoor env ronments
and destruct ve ESD events w th ndustr al-grade, sh elded Ethernet cable from
Ub qu t . For more deta ls, v s t:
To reduce the r sk of f re or electr c shock, do not expose th s
product to ra n or mo sture.
Although the cabl ng can be located outdoors, the U-LTE tself should be
housed ns de a protect ve enclosure.
Hardware Installat on
The U-LTE can be mounted n three ways:
Screw Mount
“Adhes ve Mount”
“Desktop Mount”
Screw Mount
U-LTE Qu ck Start Gu de