For information about compatible ber SFP modules, visit:
Accessing the EdgeOS Con guration Interface
The EdgeOS® con guration interface can be accessed via DHCP or static IP address
assignment. By default, eth1 is set up as a DHCP client, while eth0 is assigned a static IP
address of To con gure the EdgeRouter, proceed to the appropriate section:
1. Connect an Ethernet cable from eth1 on the EdgeRouter to a LAN segment that has an
existing DHCP server.
2. To check the IP address of the EdgeRouter, use one of the following methods:
Set up the DHCP server to provide a speci c IP address to the EdgeRouter based on its
MAC address (on the label).
Let the EdgeRouter obtain an IP address and then check the DHCP server to see which
IP address was assigned.
3. Launch your web browser. Enter the appropriate IP address in the address eld. Press enter
(PC) or return (Mac).
4. Enter ubnt in the Username and Password elds. Read the Ubiquiti License Agreement,
and check the box next to I agree to the terms of this License Agreement to accept it. Click
ER-X-SFP Quick Start Guide
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