LEDs on the front panel of the Modem
Please see the LED descriptions below.
LED Color
Power Green
Indicates that the cable modem has
successfully completed internal power-on
tests. LED flashes if power-on fails.
Green/Orange Indicates that data is being received from
the cable network. Orange indicates more
than one Channel is bonded. Green
indicates that one Channel is bonded. Prior
to registration, DS would flash slowly to
indicate it’s looking for DS channel.
Post-registration (READY LED is lit), DS
would flash when traffic is being passed.
US Green/Orange Indicates
that data is being transmitted from
the cable modem to the cable network.
Orange indicates more than one Channel is
bonded. Green indicates that one Channel
is bonded. LED flash when traffic is being
LED flashes slowly when performing
upstream ranging. LED flashes quickly
when acquiring IP Address and
Configuration File. LED must remain off if
device receives disable configuration file.