UAV-1003947-001, AV-30-C, Installation Manual
Rev E
This is a text/binary protocol output by the GPS navigator that contains
situational awareness information such as ground speed, track, distance to
destination, cross track, etc., and is typically utilized by remote
mapping/display products to provide additional pilot awareness.
This output does not provide IFR compliant lateral or vertical guidance,
therefore all deviation related data presented is for VFR operations only.
The AV-30-C does no computations or operations on the data obtained from
the GPS navigator, and simply displays the received data in a textual or
graphical format as configured by the pilot.
This serial interface may be connected in parallel between
multiple AV-30-C units and is supported in both AI and DG
The supported protocols are contained in §17 - Serial Interface Specification.
Internal Magnetometer (Optional)
The internal magnetometer, when available, is detected in software version
2.1.2 or later. It is currently disabled by configuration. Application of
magnetometer data requires calibration before use. If magnetometer is
desired and is not detected, please contact uAvionix technical support to
discuss upgrade options.
10.3 Internal Battery Operation
The internal battery consists of a rechargeable battery system with automatic
recharge, self-test, and power switching capability. The internal battery
capacity will provide approximately 2 hours of operation at standard
temperatures and 30 minutes (minimum) of operational capacity over the
operational temperature range.
When power is lost to the AV-30-C, the following will occur:
1. While AV-30-C is aligning, the unit will continue to battery mode if
power is lost. Once aligned it will shut down.
2. If any button is pressed after power is lost, the AV-30-C will stay in
battery mode.