R-600A Specifications
Only skilled and well trained service technicians
permitted to service R290/R600a equipped
All tools and equipment must be approved for
use with R290/R600a refrigerant.
Local, state and federal laws, standards must
be observed along with proper certification and
Ventilation is required during servicing.
No conversions to R290/R600a from any other
refrigerants. OEM R290/R600a equipped unit
Service area must be free of ignition sources.
No smoking is allowed in the service area.
All replacement electrical components must be
OEM and installed properly (sealed and covered).
If the evaporator is cold prior to service, it must
be thawed prior to service.
When using a vacuum pump, start pump before
opening refrigeration system.
Vacuum pump and recovery equipment should be
at least 10 feet from the work area.
It is recommended that a simple LPG gas
detector is on site during service.
Ensure that all R290/R600a is removed from the
system prior to brazing any part of the sealed
Only a clean, dry, leak-free system should be
charged with R290/R600a.
R290/R600a equipped products are labeled (both the unit
and the compressor).
R290/R600a is colorless and odorless.
R290/R600a is considered non-toxic, but is flammable
when mixed with air.
Do not remove or alter any R290/R600a labeling on the
Use only a refrigerant grade R290/R600a from a properly
labeled container.
(R290/R600a has been exempted from recovery/reclaiming
requirements by the US EPA)
Recovery/Reclaiming equipment must be approved for use
with R290/R600a.
Ensure the evaporator is at room temperature prior to
recovery/reclaiming R290/R600a.
Use a common piercing pliers or piercing valve to remove
R290/R600a from the compressor process tube. (Note:
Piercing devices must not be left on the system and must
be replaced with a Schrader type valve.)