0721 IH-2272
1. With the dispenser open, pull the roll holder arm to
the side and place the new roll on the hubs. Ensure
the roll is installed with the paper feeding from
beneath the roll. (See Figure 10)
2. Thread the sheet into the dispenser mechanism
by placing the tail under the white stationary roll
holder shaft. At the same time, rotate the feed knob
located on the side of the dispenser. (See Figure 11)
3. Once the sheet is threaded around the drum and
protrudes from the dispenser opening, close the
dispenser door firmly and begin dispensing.
Figure 11
1. To utilize the stub roll feature of this unit, open the
front cover with the push button or key. (See Figure 6)
2. Without unthreading the paper, remove the stub roll
from the roll holder hubs and place down in the stub
roll tray in the back of the dispenser.
(See Figure 12)
3. Load a new roll onto the roll holder hubs, making
sure the paper is feeding from beneath the roll.
4. Place the corners from the tail of the new roll
under the two blue clips located on the top of
the stationary roll shaft. Close cover and begin
dispensing. (See Figure 13)
Figure 12
Figure 13
Figure 10