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combination of listening to the system while adjusting the crossover,
and looking at the response on an acoustical analyzer (RTA or other
measurement system). In general, a dedicated mid-bass driver’s
upper frequency limit will be between 125 and 250 Hz.
If there is no dedicated mid-bass speakers being used, then set
the crossover between the subwoofer and the midrange outputs to
the lowest frequency the midrange is capable of reproducing
(probably between 70 and 100 Hz).
When using the active crossover in the DSP8 to separate the
midrange and tweeter frequency ranges, simply set the midrange
low pass and tweeter high pass frequencies to the speaker
manufacturer’s recommended tweeter crossover frequency.
The initial crossover slopes can generally be set as desired at
this point. Start with the slopes all set to the same value; 24, 18, or
12 dB/octave is recommended for getting started. You can make
adjustments to each of the crossover slopes later while making fine
tuning adjustments.