EVK-M8BZOE User Guide
UBX-17053592 - R03
Early Production Information
Getting Started
Page 9 of 33
Getting Started
Software installation
Installation of the EVK-M8BZOE software and documentation requires internet access.
Download and install the u-center GNSS evaluation software from the u-blox website at
Once the zip file is downloaded, unzip it and double-click the extracted exe file. The u-center software will be
installed on your system and placed under the “u-blox” folder in the “Start
Programs” menu.
Windows drivers for the Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge of the EVK are available from Microsoft Windows
Update service. The Windows system driver search mechanism can download and install the USB drivers
automatically from Microsoft Windows Update service. If the automatic install fails, or if the PC already has an old
version of the drivers installed, the correct version of the driver can be downloaded and installed manually from
Silicon Labs at http://www.silabs.com/products/mcu/pages/usbtouartbridgevcpdrivers.aspx.
Please make sure you select the driver version which does not include “Serial Enumeration” functionality.
Hardware installation
This section describes the evaluation board connectors and configuration settings that are required to get started.
Figure 1 shows an overview of EVK-M8BZOE board and its connectors.
Figure 1: Getting started overview