GPS receiver A1080-A
Battery Back-up)!
NOTE: Please make sure that the A1080-A is either within an enclosure or addi-
tionally shielded to reduce the influence of temperature fluctuations often generated
by airflow.
3.2 Antenna
It is recommended to use an active GPS antenna with supply voltage of 3 to 5VDC
and a current draw of 50mA maximum. The quality of the GPS antenna chosen is of
paramount importance for the overall sensitivity of the GPS system. An active an-
tenna should have a gain
20dB and a noise figure
1.5dB, which applies to more
than 95% of the active antennas available in the market.
3.3 Serial Port Settings
The default configuration within the standard GPS firmware is:
Serial 0 (NMEA) 4800 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control
3.4 Improved TTFF
In order to improve the TTFF (Time To First Fix), it is recommended to support the
RTC with a back-up power when no system power is available.
If the system or the GPS receiver alone should not be backed-up it is possible to
support the restart procedure by providing position and date/time information to the
module. This is described in the firmware manual. Please refer there to chapter
“Start-up Support” in the document T.E. GPS Firmware A1080.
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User’s Manual
V2.3 - 07/07