joystick port. It is fast enough to support video transfer, and is capable of
supporting up to 127 daisy-chained peripheral devices.
Connecting Com and Printer Ports
Warning: When plugging in your keyboard and mouse, or when plugging
anything into a serial or Com port, make sure that the power is off. Connecting
these devices and ports while the power is on is called “hot plugging,” and
may damage your system.
Figure 2-14 on the previous page shows the ATX double row connectors on
this board. The Com and Printer ports, as well as the other ports, are labeled.
Note: Only TYAN cables will work on this motherboard. If you are using an
existing case with old cables, your system will not function properly. Use only
TYAN-approved cables.
You are done!
Other than checking the jumper settings and cable connections and putting
the case back on, you are done. Installing a new motherboard may sound
difficult, but by following these directions, you should have had a fairly
uneventful time installing our products. If you did encounter problems, your
dealer will be able to help you, or you can consult one of our many technical
support resources (see page 7).
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: My system sometimes becomes unstable. How should I check the system?
A: The first thing to do is to check and see if you have any device conflict in
address, IRQ, or DMA. If you are using Windows 95, the Device Manager
is a good place to start. Please consult your operating system manual for
details. Second of all, slowing down the memory timing in the BIOS’s
chipset setup section will help the situation, as well. Many memory
modules are not suitable for high performance systems and are probably
the main source of your problem.
Q: What is AGP?
A: AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) is a new bus architecture for 3D graphics.
The AGP slot eliminates the PCI bandwidth bottleneck by bypassing the
PCI interface and accessing the system memory directly. Currently, the AGP
supports 1X and 2X modes, which yield bandwidths of 264MB/s (at 33MHz
bus speed) and 533MB/s (at 66MHz bus speed), respectively. Compare this
Chapter 2
Board Installation