The system displays advanced details like the number of
heads/cylinders/sectors on the detected disk and the maximum storage
capacity of the disk.
This option lets you set the following hard disk parameters:
Selects the type of device connected to the system.
/ CD/DVD / Not Installed / ARMD
Multi-Sector Transfers
This option allows you to specify the number of sectors per block for multiple
sector transfers.
/ 2 Sectors / 4 Sectors / 8 Sectors / 16 Sectors
LBA Mode Control
Enables or disables LBA Mode.
When LBA is turned on, the BIOS will enable geometry translation. This
translation may be done in the same way that it is done in Extended CHS or
large mode, or it may be done using a different algorithm called LBA-assist
translation. The translated geometry is still what is presented to the operating
system for use in Int 13h calls. The difference between LBA and ECHS is that
when using ECHS the BIOS translates the parameters used by these calls from
the translated geometry to the drive's logical geometry. With LBA, it translates
from the translated geometry directly into a logical block (sector) number.
/ Enabled
32 Bit I/O
Enables or disables 32 bit data transfer mode.
Enabling this option causes the PCI hard disk interface controller to bundle
together two 16-bit chunks of data from the drive into a 32-bit group, which is
then transmitted to the processor or memory. This results in a small
performance increase.
/ Enabled
Transfer Mode
These modes determine the speed at which data is transferred to and from the
drive. The Auto option automatically determines the correct transfer rates.
Fast PIO 1
Fast PIO 2
Fast PIO 3
Fast PIO 4
FPIO 3 /
FPIO 4 / DMA 2
Ultra DMA Mode
Enables or disables Ultra DMA Mode.