S1857 Trinity 371
If you have an active cooler, you will also need to connect the CPUs cooling
fan cable to the cooling fan power connector on the board. Locate the cooling
fan connector (e.g. FAN1) on the motherboard. Plug the CPUs cooling fan
cable into the cooling fan connector on the board. There will be a plastic clip
assembly similar to that of the ATX power connector that will force you to
connect the fan cable correctly see Figure 2-17 below.
When removing the CPU, pull lightly on the pegs sucuring the retention brace
and remove the CPU and retention brace at once. This may require careful firm
tugs to pull the CPU out of its slot.
Note: The CPU fan activates after the VGA card is initalized and not when the
system boots up, therefore you may experience a 5 second delay before the
CPU fan is enabled.
5. Connecting IDE and Floppy Drives
The colored stripe on a ribbon cable should face toward the battery on the
motherboard. Make sure that Pin 1 (denoted by a red stripe) is connected so
that it is next to the power connector of the drive. The primary IDE connector
is black; the secondary IDE connector is white. In most cases, this is the
proper way of connecting your IDE cable to the hard drive. Figure 2-18 on the
next page shows the IDE cable properly connected to the motherboard.
Contact your hard disk drive manufacturer or documentation for more informa-
Figure 2-17