All new smart phone charging port and utility box light
has been provided in the utility box of your vehicle.
Please follow the guidelines mentioned below for
using it properly:
The charging time of the mobile may vary, depending on
the mobile’s battery state of charge. The rubber flap in
the unit has been designed to prevent water entry and
is not replaceable. No warranty for charger in case of
rubber flap cut.
1. Ensure that no water enters into the unit, by
closing the USB flap properly.
2. Use the USB, if approved standard USB cable
used for charging mobile.
3. The chassis number of the vehicle can be
accessed by taking the smart phone charger unit
from its mounting. Ensure to refit the charger unit
4. Do make sure the flap is not damaged while
opening / inserting the USB cable.
1. Do not leave the USB charging flap open / partially
2. Do not attempt to use / charge any other device,
other than mobile phones. Only one mobile
phone should be charged at a given time.
3. Do not try to force the USB connector in, check
whether it is inserted in the appropriate direction,
to prevent the damage to the charger.
4. Do not charge your mobile when engine is off.