11.3 Projector Alignment
The layout grid can also be used for setting up projectors for edge blending. This time
however the gridlines should be spaced smaller than the projector resolution so that the
outputs overlap on the layout.
The maximum overlap is 500 pixels.
Once the layout has been constructed and output types set to projector the projector
alignment button should be pressed. This locks the output positions so that they can no
longer be dragged by the mouse.
11.3.1 Edge Alignment
This first process is used to correctly align the array of projectors and set the initial video
blend at the overlaps. The user must click on each individual output on the screen to
activate it (red) or deactivate it (green). When two adjacent outputs are activated (red)
then a set of alignment lines are inserted into the outputs. An outer border of green is
displayed on both selected outputs and two red inner lines are shown at the join between
the projectors.