11 CORIOmaster Layout View
The layout screen is environment where display area for the CORIOmaster is configured.
The zoom bar, entry value, allows the area to be zoomed in and out. A wheeled mouse
enables fast zoom in and out.
The left hand side gives a list of available layouts, currently the unit restricts the user to
four layouts in the system. Click on a layout to select and this can be named on the
current layout box. Names must start with a letter and contain no spaces
11.1 Simple Layout
For a layout the next stage is to place outputs onto the layout that mimic their positions in
the real world. This is performed by clicking on the left hand tab marked output under the
TVOne logo. The layout list is now replaced with a list of available outputs. As an output
can only be used once, each output disappears from the list if assigned to another layout.
If an output is de-assigned from a layout it will reappear in the list and thus be available for
any layout.