Localinternet will remember last connect wifi information, so rebootmonitorwill auto connect wifi.
In order to make sure and check wifi connect success, through monitor QR code and scan it,
APPwill displaymonitor connect or disconnectSIP server
“On system menu, move the cursor to “Volume” and press
to enter the “Volume” menu to set
up the ring volume. Users can set up different ring volume during three different time period, the
vibrate and ring time can be adjusted from 10s to 45s when calling.
The timing volume is the volume of the call.
3 Ring Volume
[Ring Vol1]:
[Ring Vol2]:
[Ring Vol3]:
[Button Voice]:
The volume level of Ring Vol1:01-10.
The volume level of Ring Vol2:01-10.
The volume level of Ring Vol3:01-10.
This option can open or close button voice.
4. System-Network Setting
4.1 WiFi Set
4.2 Server setting
Smartlink mode connection:
AP Mode:
Enternetwork setting, monitor connect networkandserver, outdoor station call indoor monitor,
smart phone APP getmessage at the same time. Network setting included:wifi set and server set.
Two mode: Smartlink and AP mode.
Choose smartlink modeor AP modeconnect wifi, aftermake server set.
Use WiFi set function must bework with smart phone, APP nam
e Wifi intercom-D
Andrioddownload from “Google Play”, IOS download from“APP Store”
(1). Use smartlink and confirm, interface tips”smartlink mode active please wait.....”
(2). Monitor tips “please choose smartlink mode from APP and send SSID and password”
At this moment switch on APP(Wifi intercom-D) and press “+” enter smartlink mode, input wifi
password press next step.
(3).Send right information monitor tips”connectrouter, please wait......”monitor autoregister from
server within 3Min.Note: during processdo notpressany button,feedbacksuccessful tips and do
next step.
(4).After, interface show wifi connecting tips, if wifi name, passwordorovertime connection, please
start from step 1 again.
(5).If monitor display “register server success” tips means connect wifi success, press setting key
confirm, and back to standby mode, left corner appear wifi icon means monitor already connect
(6).Interface connect success.
(1). Choose AP mode and confirm, monitor active smart bell wifi flashpoint.
(2). Monitor show tips”, please choose AP mode from APP and send SSID and password” Smart
phone connect wifi name: smart bell wifi password
87654321, connection successed, switch
on smart phone APP(Wifi intercom-D), press “+” enter AP mode, input wifi name and password,
press next step.
(3).Send right information monitor tips “connect router, please wait......”monitor auto register from
server within 3Min. Note: during process do not press any button, feedback successful tips and
do next step.
(4).After, interface show wifi connecting tips, if wifi name, password or overtime connection, please
start from step 1 again.
(5).If monitor display “register server success” tips means connect wifi success, press setting key
confirm, and back to standby mode, left corner appear wifi icon means monitor already connect
(6).Interface connect success.
(1). Enter “Server set” choose the server which one nearby your located, when tips “server register
success” open APP
Wifi intercom-D
press “+” scanQR code
(2). Binding successback to standby mode, interfaceright cornerappear “network” icon means success.
(3).If wifi and serverconnect success, outdoorstation call indoor monitor, smart phonecan get message
at the same time.