Service Manual 73
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has not been supplied with the pump, some other means of pressure protection must be utilized.
This could include in-line safety valves, pressure shutdown switches or other similar devices.
Pumps shipped from the factory with relief valves have the relief valve set at full by-pass at the
factory on 150SSU oil at our factory production test speeds. Field adjustments will be required to
meet the actual application requirements.
Pumps shipped from the factory with relief valves are assembled for clockwise or
counterclockwise rotation as originally specified. If you want to change rotation, the relief valve
assembly must be removed and turned 180 degrees. The adjusting screw must always point
toward the suction line.
Every pump installation should have a good foundation. Its structure should be sufficiently strong
to hold the pump rigid and to absorb any strain or shock that may be encountered. The
installation should be leveled, checked for proper piping alignment, and then fastened securely.
The alignment should be rechecked after the pump’s temperature has reached it’s operating
Direct drive through a traditional flexible coupling is recommended. However, do not expect the
coupling to compensate for misalignment. Contact the coupling manufacturer to determine the
maximum amount of misalignment that the coupling can be subjected to.
Never operate the pumps without all the guards in place.
Pumps operating with bi-directional rotation must have pressure relief devices installed on both
sides of the pump.
Simple Efficiency Improvement
The efficiency of the pump may decrease after considerable use as a result of wear. If
performance deteriorates below acceptable levels, it may be moderately improved by reducing
the end clearance between rotating elements. Refer to the appropriate reassembly instruction to
accomplish this task. If this does not improve performance to an acceptable level, then further
repair work may be necessary.
Packing Adjustment
Packing is designed to leak. Therefore, when pumping hazardous liquids, a mechanical seal is
recommended to minimize any potential source of leakage that could result in a hazardous
Pumps with packing will require periodic adjustment.
To accomplish this, gently and evenly tighten the packing gland nuts, which will further compress
the packing.