Steps in the Application Process
1. The parent of an eligible student applies to a participating program provider.
The student must be admitted in accordance with the provider’s admission policies prior to applying
for the scholarship.
Click here for a list of participating providers.
2. Provider submits the scholarship application through ODE’s web-based application system.
Required information for this section includes the student’s birth certificate data, primary guardian
data and the scanned application form.
3. The public school district reviews the student application for accuracy and data verification
The public school district reviews the information for each student application submitted by the
provider and enters the statewide student identifier (SSID) and information related to the student’s
Individualized Education Program (IEP).
If data is correct: The public school district then places the application into Review Completed
If data is incorrect: The public school district indicates which data does not match by “flagging”
the appropriate data field and entering the information in the Comments field of the application. If
there are corrections to be made, the application is placed into Correction Needed Status. The
provider then corrects erroneous or missing data and re-submits the application for another review
by the public school district. This process continues until all data issues on the application are
4. Applications reviewed with no errors go into eligible pool.
5. If the number of eligible applicants exceeds the number of authorized scholarships, ODE will hold a lottery.
6. Selected eligible applicants are awarded scholarships.
7. Award and denial letters are sent to parents.