Speed Gate Turnstile User Manual
Set the time setting for sensing multiple infrared simultaneously (default 3/ s)
< L-7 >
opening direction when power off
After setting the gate opening direction when power off
Default: 0 to the left, according to the site
0: open to the left
1: open to the right
< L-8 >
trespassing alarm
Default: 0: trespassing, please swipe the card
1: ticking sound
< L-9 >
Entrance and exit memory function, continuous swipe card
Set up group ticket, continuous swipe mode
0: without memory function
0: without memory function, 1: with memory function
< L-10 >
Infrared anti-pinch
Set when pedestrians and other circumstances touch off the anti-clip infrared,
swing door will close or not (default: 1 means: close)
0 represents: open, 1 represents: close
< L-11 >
Infrared sensor quantity
Default: 0:4 pairs
0: 4 pairs 1: 6pairs
< L-12 >
speaker volume
Set the speaker volume, (value: 0-15), 0 is min volume, 15 is max volume.
Default: 15
< L-13 >
voice message test
After entering the voice test, the gate will automatically broadcast all the voices to
www.TURNSTILES.us | [email protected] | 303-670-1099