Solder all wires together and insulate the joints with the supplied heat shrink)
Unused wires must be insulated with electrical tape so that they do not touch other wires or the chassis
Red Wire
+12 Volts switched through ignition
– connect via 5 Amp fuse supplied
Black Wire
Chassis, earth or ground
Yellow Wire
To 3.5V
– 12V Square wave (RPM) Signal
Green Wire
External set point switching (Ground to activate)
Orange Wire
Dimming trigger (Ground to activate)
White Wire
Auxiliary Output (Negative switched)
Brown and grey wire
to boost control solenoid (Polarity not important)
RPM Signal Connection (OPTIONAL)
RPM signal connection is
for Tacho mode, RPM set point mapping, Boost correction, shift light function and other advanced
features. Turbosmart recommends your RPM signal be connected by an appropriately qualified technician or automotive electrician. For
further information consult your vehicle’s manuals or your local automotive electrician. The E-Boost Street is
able to accept an
RPM signal in the form of a square wave that is switching between 0V and 3.5-12 volts.
The following points should be followed to connect your RPM signal to an ECU pin.
Locate your ECU RPM signal wire and splice into the signal wire coming from your ECU.
Check the output you are splicing into is a square wave that is switching between switching between 0V and 3.5-12 volts with an
appropriate meter.
Connect the yellow RPM wire from the E-Boost Street to the spliced section of the ECU RPM out.
Turn on the E-Boost Street and configure your signal to the number of cylinders or rotors your engine has using the CYL (cylinder)
parameter located in the setup menu.
In live mode with your engine running press mode once to show live RPM. The display should be reading RPMx100 e.g. 015 on
the display indicates 1500 RPM. If the display is not reading correctly re-check the cylinder configuration in the setup menu.
Note: If the OEM tachometer does not display RPM after installing the E-Boost Street, a 2 ohm or higher resistor needs to
be installed in line between the ECU RPM output pin and the E-Boost Street.
The following points should be followed to connect your RPM signal to the negative terminal of an ignition coil. NOTE: Caution should
be exercised when connecting to the negative terminal of an ignition coil and Turbosmart recommends an ECU connection where
possible. IMPORTANT! The RPM signal should not be connected to a coil of a capacitive discharge ignition (CDI) system.