U s e A n d M a i n t e n a n c e I n s t r u c t i o n s
M a s t e r E c o N e t P l u s E C + + L S R S 4 8 5
I n M n 1 8 E P E
e n R e v . 0 0
T U R B O S r l
D u s t F i l t e r C o m p o n e n t s
V i a P o 3 3 / 3 5 2 0 8 1 1 C e s a n o M a d e r n o ( M B ) I t a l y T e l + + 3 9 0 3 6 2 5 7 4 0 2 4 F a x + + 3 9 0 3 6 2 5 7 4 0 9 2
2 3
Trouble Shooting
F a u l t
P o s s i b l e C a u s e
S o l u t i o n
The display does not
light up.
Burnt fuse.
Power voltage.
Check the protection fuse on the power voltage.
Check that the power voltage is present and
compliant with that required for the device
(terminals 1 and 3).
The outputs do not
light up.
Output voltage.
Wiring to solenoid
Check that the timer and solenoid vale output
voltage agree.
Check wiring between timer and solenoid valves.
The differential
pressure reading is
not correct.
Obstructed pneumatic
Damaged pipes.
Check that the differential pressure is 0.00
kPa with the pipes disconnected. In this case,
check that the connection pipes between device
and filter are not obstructed or damaged.
The cleaning cycle is
not carried out.
The economizer is in
economy mode and
therefore does not
start up.
Adjust the start-up pressure threshold or set the
economizer to MANUAL mode.
Does the economizer
occasionally reset?
Check that there are no unfiltered pulse loads on
the power line (spot welding machines, welding
machines, plasma cutters etc.). Install a filter on
the economizer power line, if needed.
Does post-cleaning
start during normal
Change the post-cleaning start-up threshold by
lowering it.
Does post-cleaning
fail to start when the
normal cleaning cycle
Activate post-cleaning from the advanced
configuration menu.
Check that the measured pressure is lower than
the post-cleaning activation pressure when the
fan is off.
Do the alarms fail to
activate signaling
The alarm devices must be powered by voltage
external to the economizer. A relay opening is
needed to activate them.
Does 0.0 kPa-mm
Bar-mm H20-Inch
w.c. fail to appear
when the fan is off?
Set the reading to 0 under the zero dP option in
the Calibration/Test menu.
Do alarm messages
Check the Alarms menu.