E 9 T U S A G E I N I N D U S T R I A L F I E L D
A P N t 0 2 6 E 9 TU I F
E N R e v .1 . 1
T U R B O s . r .l .
D u s t F i l t e r C o m p o n e n t s
V i a C e n t r o I n d u s t r i a l e E u r o p e o , 3 3
T u r a t e ( C O ) I t a l y
T e l + + 3 9 0 3 6 2 5 7 4 0 2 4 F a x + + 3 9 0 3 6 2 5 7 4 0 9 2
2 2
Remotely handling via RS-485
If the external device is provided of a RS-485 communication port or a RS-485 network is available, it is possible to
connect the E9T control unit to use all the functionalities available.
Please read
for more information about wiring connection.
The user must previously assign a unique Modbus address to the E9T control unit. The external device will be
configured to read and write
available on the E9T control unit software at that address.
Thanks to Modbus features, the external device can handles messages to read emission values and alarms status
in real-time It is also possible to set alarm thresholds, relays contact type, alarm activation times, triboelectric
probe parameters and offsets.
During the remotely handling via RS-485, it is also possible to build remotely handling of E9T alarms and remotely
read emission by 4-20mA together to have the full interfacing condition.