Understanding alarm calls
Alarm calls can be raised when you press
a button or pull a cord. They can also be
made when automatic sensors are set
off, such as smoke detectors. Telecom
400 and Telecom 400
can call response
centres. In addition, the Telecom 400
model can call telephones. Individuals
who take alarm calls on normal
telephones are referred to as personal
Call Lists.
Telecom will not just call one
telephone number. Telecom can be made
to try a whole list of numbers. For example, if you press a help button Telecom might first
call your friend in the next house. If there is no answer then Telecom might call your sister
in the next village. If your sister is not there to answer the call then Telecom might call a
response center. The friends, relatives and response centers Telecom calls, and the order
in which the calls are made, can be programmed into Telecom.
How should a personal recipient answer a call?
Each Telecom will announce its own
unique number when calling, to enable the person who takes the call to recognize where
it is from. The person who takes the call (recipient) can use their telephone keypad (touch
tone) to accept and clear the call.
• Accept the call—press any digit from 0 to 9 within 45 seconds.
• Extend the call—press any digit from 0 to 9 within 4 minutes.
• Clear the call—press * followed by #.
Different types of alarm.
Telecom will even call different numbers depending on the
type of alarm. If, for example, you press an alarm button then Telecom might be set to
call your friend next door. However, if one of your smoke detectors is set off, and your
Telecom is configured to detect this, then Telecom might be set to call the response
center first.