User/Installation Instructions for Radio Smoke Detector
Model Number: 67005/94
Wireless Transmitter Module (869MHz)
The Smoke Detector is equipped with a wireless 869MHz transmitter
module. This will transmit alarm signals via Tunstall Emergency
equipment to monitoring centres.
Function test
Attention: The smoke detector generates a very
powerful and shrill tone which can be harmful to
your ears. Please keep at least a distance of 50 cm
during the function test.
Perform the function test every month. Proceed as follows:
1. Check if the LED is flashing.
2. Press the fibre-optical button for at least 1 sec.: If a signal tone is
generated, the detector works properly. If no signal tone is
generated, please replace the batteries.
3. If after replacing the batteries a tone can still not be heard then the
smoke detector is damaged and has to be replaced by a new one.
Programming to Tunstall equipment
Register the radio smoke detector to Tunstall emergency equipment
by placing the emergency equipment in trigger registration mode and
pressing the fibre-optical button for at least 1sec. A signal tone is gen-
erated and the detector transmits a radio message to the emergency
equipment. Check that the registration is successful by pressing the
fibre-optical button again to raise an emergency call. If no alarm is
given, please check the following:
- Battery
Smoke detector faulty?
Emergency equipment within radio range?
Emergency equipment programming correctly?
Self-test and battery test
The smoke detector identifies smoke at an early stage of development.
An independent self-test permanently controls the function of the
smoke evaluation. Possible faults are shown per alarm signal
(signal tone or light diode). The power supply is continuously checked
through the battery test. If the battery voltage decreases under a de-
fined point, the smoke detector signals 30 days long that the battery
should be replaced. The smoke detector continues to function fully
during these 30 days, however the battery should be replaced as soon
as possible. Life time of the battery: approx. 5 years (using only lith-
ium-batteries). Check the functionality of the smoke detector after each
battery change by pressing the fibre-optical-button [item 2 function
test] for a few seconds.
Serial number to be found on the “type label”
Replace all smoke detectors after 10 years. The recommended ex-
change date is located on the label of the smoke detector!
Operation- and alarm signals
Signal tone
No Tone
Flashes each 40 s
Automatic self-test, regular
operation mode
interval tone
Local smoke alarm or func-
tion test
Short signal
tone each
40 s
Flashes alternating
with signal tone
Failure / pollution
Short signal
tone each
40 s
Flashes parallel to
signal tone
Indication for battery re-
A maintenance service should be provided every 6 months (or in case
of a failure message) in order to guarantee the operating safety of the
smoke detector over a long period.
To carry out this service please proceed as follows:
- Remove the smoke detector from the base (turn counter clock-
wise) and clear away the dust.
smoke inlet apertures
- Wipe the smoke detector with a damp cloth.
- Place the smoke detector back in the base and turn it clockwise
until it is locked.
fibre-optical button
Note: the smoke detector will not engage inside the base
without the battery inserted.
- Check if the automatic self-test (smoke detector flashes approxi-
mately every 40 seconds) is executed.
- Perform a function test.
Meaning of symbols
The crossed-out refuse container on this product
indicates that it should not be disposed with other
business waste at the end of its working life. To
help ensure that valuable resources are reused
and recycled and to prevent possible harm to the
Product-Approval according to EN 14604 and
VdS 2344 by the VdS Schadensverhütungs
Technical data
Detection method:......................................................Tyndall-effect
Operating voltage:.................................................................9V DC
Alarm indication: ..............................................optical and acoustic
Class of protection: ............................................... EN 14604:2005
Recommended battery using wireless module ..... FDK CP-V9J 9V
e.g. Panasonic FDK CP-V9J (compound-battery)
Average lifetime of the Lithium battery @15-20ºC:approx. 5* years
Operating temperature range:..................................... -10 to+60 °C
Max. monitored area: .......................................60 m² till 6 m height
Indicator: ............................................................................ red LED
Signal tone: ............................................................... >85 dB(A)/3m
Dimensions without base (Ø x H): .......................... 100 x 35,0 mm
Dimensions with base (Ø x H): ............................... 100 x 51,0 mm
Mounting hole distance on base: ............................ 28,0 - 65,0 mm
Housing material/color: ...................................................ABS/white
Wireless range: .................................................. Typically 25 - 50m
Detector Life:..................................................................... 10 years
VdS Approval: ............................. G 202042 and 0786-CPD-20681
CE Approval:................................................................. CE marked
* Typically without wireless module
Please contact:
Tunstall Healthcare (UK) Ltd
Whitley Lodge
Whitley Bridge
Yorkshire, DN14 0HR, UK
+44 1977 661234
e-mail: [email protected]
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