T U N A P. C O M
SI 929_0120
The specifications provided in this Service Information sheet are the results of careful analysis. Any application-related specifications shall be viewed as recommen-
dations based on past experiences. Due to the wide variety of applications and work methods, we are unable to provide binding specifications. Therefore, there exists
no contractual legal relationship, nor will secondary obligations arise from any purchase contracts. Only the most recent version of the Service Information sheet
retains its validity.
TUNAP GmbH & Co. KG | D-82515 Wolfratshausen | Tel. 08171 / 16 00 – 0 | [email protected] | www.tunap.com
Disconnect the housing in between of the secondary air pump and the secondary air valve pic. 7. Then connect the connection
hose for the secondary air system from the tool pic. 8.
To get the cleaning fluid directly to the secondary air conducts we have to activate the system (valve). How you have to procce will
depend on the system you are working on. Either you have a valve that is activated via vacuum, so you need a vacuum pump to
activate the valve pic. 9, or you have an electronic valve so please use the scanner to open the valve pic. 10. Without this proce-
dure we can´t clean the secondary air conducts. Prepare this step so you know how to do it but wait to read the step 6 to proceed.
Connect the pressurized air hose to the tool. Start the engine and get him up to working temperature. Set the pressure regulator
from the Tool secondary air system up to a maximum of 2-bar pic. 10. Now activate the secondary air system of the engine (as
indicated in step 5). Open the stopcock of the compressed air and let just run compressed air through the conducts for up to 30
seconds pic. 12.