Attach vertical supports to center-beam
General Guidelines
(125 lb. limit)
Attach side-legs to vertical supports
Insert kip-bar into vertical supports
Align tube holes and insert spring-knobs
- Assure that detent-pin is in desired kip-bar
tube hole, then fully tighten knob to secure fit.
To adjust kip bar height:
-loosen spring-knob (1-2 turns counter-clockwise)
-pull back on knob to retract pin from tube hole, and raise/lower kip bar to desired location
-release knob, assuring that the pin goes into the appropriate tube hole
-tighten knob (turning clockwise) until knob is fully seated against the tube, holding it securely
Example – detent-pin is protruding
Example – detent-pin is retracted
Tumbl Trak equipment is not recommended for
the use in
Parkour/Free Running
related activities.