Clear inventory list:
This button clears the inventory list.
Inventory list:
This is where read counts of tags and EPC numbers are listed, sorted by time
stamp. The maximum number of tags to be displayed in the inventory list can be
set in the “
Settings Tab”
. The list can be cleared using the “
Clear inventory list
button located under the inventory list.
Read Single-Tag:
This button allows the user to read the EPC number of the tag, displaying it in the
inventory list.
Read Multi-Tag:
This button allows the user to read the EPC numbers of multiple tags.
Main log:
The main log shows the connection status, sent and received packets and error
messages related to serial port communication. Content of the main log can be
copied and pasted or cleared using the right-click context menu.
Status Bar:
The status bar shows information about the currently connected device and any
other messages.