Command Reference Manual
TSAT 3000 Command Line Interpreter
January 2013
Page 31 of 41
3.10.3 Analog to Digital / Digital to Analog converter control
sys adc get <sampleCount> <raw/volt> <sample1>…<sampleN> [verbose]
Read output from the Analog to Digital Converter.
Number of requested samples.
“raw”: Output from the AD converter as a digital value. Range 0-FFFh.
“volt”: Output from the AD converter as voltage. Range 0-2.5V.
Channel numbers [0-7] on the AD converter.
Set debug output ON
Get all 8 channels on the AD Converter, represented as voltages.
sys adc get 8 volt 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0.1483 0.3204 1.2347 0.0665 0.5145 0.5518 0.3650 0.0458
sys adc status
Display LNB and BUC current power usage.
sys dac set <dev> <channel> <value> [powerdown] [latchdac]
Set Digital to Analog Converter values.
Device number 0 or 1. There are 2 DAC’s in the system.
Channel number 0-3. There are 4 channels on each DAC.
New DAC channel value 0-4095.
“powerdown”: Shuts the DAC chip off.
“latchdac”: Do not latch the new value until a command without
“latchdac” is executed.