Deleting Recordings
The recorded message can be deleted during
playback. Press the Play button twice to start
Playback Mode. The Recorder starts playing
back the last recording (green LED is flashing).
Using navigation (see Table) go to the desired
record. Keep the Rec and Play buttons pressed
until the blue LED starts flashing in the 12 o’clock
position. After a second press the Play button – the
recording is being deleted and blue LED is on.
When the recording is deleted blue LED goes off
and the Recorder switches to Standby Mode.
Monitoring battery charge level and free mem
ory capacity
The Recorder provides the option to monitor battery
charge level and free memory capacity.
In Standby Mode press the Rec and Play buttons
simultaneously until yellow-and-blue LED
(the 12 o’clock position) is on. Then it goes off.
Green LED indicates free memory capacity: the
closer LED is to 12 o’clock the bigger free memory
size (1 to 12 scale). If the green LED is in one
o’clock position, there is minimum free memory.