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Technical Characteristics:
Control by a switch
Built-in flash memory — 4 Gb
Record time — 28h
Battery life in record mode (8 KHz, without compression) with fully charged battery 1000
mAh — up to 40 hours
Case — metal, durable and resistant to electromagnetic noises and suppressors, which will
protect the recorder from mechanical damage.
Signal-to-noise ratio — -80 dB
Recording format — mono
Compression method - without compression
Frequency band when recording 100 — 10000 Hz
Sample rate — 20 kHz
Interface — USB 1.1 (up to 0.7 Mb/sec)
Audio codec — 16 bits
Battery life in stand-by mode — up to 12 months;
Built-in microphone sensitivity — 10–12 m
Storage life of built-in flash memory — up to 10 years
Power supply — AAA (batteries or rechargeable batteries)*
Dimensions — 85х13х13 mm
Weight (batteries not included) — 11 g
Operating temperature range — 0–40 ºС
Operating lifetime — 5 years.
OS supported — Windows XP (SP2, SP3), Windows Vista, Windows 7.
*when using rechargeable battery the charging is carried out through an external charging device. It is not included into the delivery set.
Working with the Recorder
Preparing the recorder for work
Before starting install the battery into the Recorder. The Recorder is activated which is signified by
three flashes of LED. The flash to follow checks the Recorder’s flash memory its duration depending
on the Recorder’s memory. Now the Recorder is ready to start operating. To install batteries unscrew
the round lid with a special device which is on the delivery set. Insert the battery into the case
(carefully observe the polarity – the positive battery contact is to be upward). Screw the lid. When
replacing the battery the built-in clock and calendar don’t reset its settings up to five minutes
Install the battery observing the polarity. Otherwise the recorder may malfunction.