Located on the right side of the ViewPoint are all the
Located on the right side of the ViewPoint are all the
necessary controls.
necessary controls.
There is a TRACKPAD that
There is a TRACKPAD that
consists of a smooth surface
consists of a smooth surface
with a dimple in the very
with a dimple in the very
center. Gently feel for the
center. Gently feel for the
dimple and this is "home
dimple and this is "home
position". When in LIVE MODE,
position". When in LIVE MODE,
you can swipe forward for
you can swipe forward for
increased zoom, swipe
increased zoom, swipe
rearward for decreased zoom.
rearward for decreased zoom.
Swipe up for increased
Swipe up for increased
brightness and swipe down for
brightness and swipe down for
decreased brightness.
decreased brightness.
You can also press the COLORS
button to change between the
various contrasting color
combinations as follows: Original
(color), High contrast (color),
Black on White, White on Black,
Black on Yellow, Yellow on Black,
Black on Green, Green on Black,
Yellow on Blue, Blue on Yellow,
Note: You may customize and
Note: You may customize and
reduce the number of color
reduce the number of color
selection options. Do this by
selection options. Do this by
going to your favorite "non true
going to your favorite "non true
color" option and holding down
color" option and holding down
the color mode button for long 7
the color mode button for long 7
seconds until you hear a audible
seconds until you hear a audible
chime. This will limit your
chime. This will limit your
options to four total as follows:
options to four total as follows:
1) Original (color)
1) Original (color)
2) High contrast (color)
2) High contrast (color)
3) The favorite you chose
3) The favorite you chose
4) The reverse of that favorite
4) The reverse of that favorite