Trust ISDN USB Modem & Phone System
Figure 18: Outgoing Properties
Activate the 'Enable CLIR' (Calling Line Identification Restriction) option if you do not wish your telephone
number to be displayed at the location of the receiving party.
For 'Bearer Capability', select the '3.1 kHz Audio' option if an analogue telephone is connected. Select the 'G3
Fax' option if a G3 fax machine is connected to the analogue port.
5.4.3 Caller
The Trust ISDN USB Modem & Phone System supports ‘Caller ID’ on the analogue lines. If you activate the
'Enable Caller ID' option (see figure 19), the information relating to the person who calls you will be displayed.
Figure 19: Caller ID
There are a number of country specific standards for the Caller ID signal. Give your country in the 'Country'
5.4.4 Call
In this tab, you can give the telephone numbers of specific callers who you wish to block. Activate the 'Enable
Call Filter' option (see figure 20) and enter the telephone numbers in the fields below. Each incoming call
from the numbers given will then be blocked.